Usługa powstała w ramach projektu CLARIN-PL.
Koordynator projektu CLARIN-PL: Maciej Piasecki
Koordynator usług Tomasz Walkowiak
Programiści: Tomasz Walkowiak, Michał Kaliński, Łukasz Królak, Mateusz Gniewkowski, Daniel Dominek
Service developed with a framework of CLARIN-PL project.
Usługa powstała w ramach projektu CLARIN-PL.
Service developed with a framework of CLARIN-PL project.
Walkowiak, T.: Language Processing Modelling Notation – Orchestration of NLP Microservices. In: Advances in Dependability Engineering of Complex Systems: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, 2017, Springer International Publishing, pp. 464-473
Walkowiak, T., Pol M.: The impact of administrator working hours on the reliability of the Centre of Language Technology. In: Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, Volume 8, Number 1, 2017, pp. 167–174
Walkowiak, T., Piasecki M.: Web-based natural language processing workflows for the research infrastructure in humanities. In: 5th Conference of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, JADH 2015 , pp. 61-63
Piasecki, M.: User-driven language technology infrastructure – the case of CLARIN-PL. Proceedings of the Ninth Language Technologies Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia (2014)
Walkowiak, T.: Language Processing Modelling Notation – Orchestration of NLP Microservices. In: Advances in Dependability Engineering of Complex Systems: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, 2017, Springer International Publishing, pp. 464-473
Walkowiak, T., Pol M.: The impact of administrator working hours on the reliability of the Centre of Language Technology. In: Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, Volume 8, Number 1, 2017, pp. 167–174
Walkowiak, T., Piasecki M.: Web-based natural language processing workflows for the research infrastructure in humanities. In: 5th Conference of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, JADH 2015 , pp. 61-63
Piasecki, M.: User-driven language technology infrastructure – the case of CLARIN-PL. Proceedings of the Ninth Language Technologies Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia (2014)
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